7 dishes to help detoxify

Here are 7 dishes to help detoxify, improve the resistance as well as take hundreds of supplements

The soups below are not only delicious recipes to enjoy every day but equally effective as a tonic for blood tonic, vitamins, body detox, ...

Seaweed Soup

Seaweed has several uses such as reducing blood fat, reducing blood sugar, regulating the immune system, anti-clotting, anti-tumor, lead detoxification, and antioxidants. Especially if you usually eat seaweed can increase iodine absorption, prevention, and treatment of goiter.


Also, seaweed contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, can eliminate cholesterol clinging to the walls of blood vessels, aid digestion, promote cholesterol secretion.

Young radish soup

According to Oriental medicine, radish has a sweet, spicy taste, has the effect of circulating the breath, eliminates phlegm, aids digestion, diuretic, emphysema, detoxifies. Besides, white radish is rich in fiber, calcium, iron, folic acid, choline, vitamin C, B3, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium ... so it is very good for pregnant women and children.

Combining radish with young ribs will make the soup more sweet and easy to eat.

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Amaranth soup cooked with minced meat

According to Western medicine, amaranth is capable of eliminating radioactive substances, clearing toxins because there are many sterols, unsaturated fatty acids.

According to Oriental medicine, amaranth is sweet, Korean, amaranth is sweet and cool, has a cooling effect, cool liver, gas, and declaration. Lean pork is high in protein, high in hemoglobin, and has an anti-anemia effect.

 The body will easily absorb hemoglobin in lean pork that has an effective iron tonic effect. Combining these two things, the soup will have a cooling effect, stimulate digestion, detoxify, help the body ruddy, healthy.

Squash soup cooked with clams

According to Oriental medicine, clam meat has welding properties, salty taste, non-toxic, has the effect of detoxifying, consuming thirst, music, irrigation, sputum, cures expectorant cough, gastric duodenal ulcer, bandage. blood, hemorrhoids. Meanwhile, squash has a sweet taste, coldness, non-toxic, diuretic effect, edema, heat, inflammation. Combining these 2 dishes will be a nutritious soup, good for health.


Crab soup with jute vegetables and spinach

Spinach has sweet, light, viscous, cool properties, has the effect of circulating blood, diuretic, laxative. It also works to help cool the blood, regulate blood, purify the stomach and intestines, treat constipation, prevent buildup, treat sore eyes, breast pain, blood pressure, and hemorrhage.

Crab soup with jute vegetables and spinach is especially suitable to eat in the summer.

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Gourd soup cooked with clams

Clam is rich in phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, C, iron, zinc ... very beneficial to health. In particular, the clam has more iron than beef so it is very nutritious, suitable for pregnant women, children, and the sick who need to nourish.

Clam consumption also strengthens the immune system, helps the sick person heal faster from illness, ordinary people are healthier, prevent osteoporosis, good for the heart, beautiful skin, prevent diabetes.

Bitter melon soup lean meat


Bitter melon has a cool, bitter taste that has a cooling effect, detoxifies the body, prevents sunstroke, brightens eyes. Besides, bitter melon is rich in minerals, especially the abundant amount of vitamin C (ranked first among vegetables, melons, squash, 5 to 20 times more than cucumbers) so bitter melon has many uses for human health.

Lean meat is a food that contains many nutrients, providing abundant energy.

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