6 foods rich in potassium more than bananas

We oftentimes hear that consuming a lot of bananas with potassium is good for your heart.

But in fact, the content of potassium in bananas is not much more than some of the following foods.

As we get older, some functions of our body decline so some diseases are more likely to occur, particularly cardiovascular diseases. If the disease is not prevented in time, the danger of stroke or even death is very high.

Also Check: Bananas health benefits and side effects

So how do you prevent cardiovascular diseases based on nutrition or how to arrange a diet for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases?

  • Reduce the amount of salt and fat

First of all, we need to reduce the amount of salt, especially those with high blood pressure, the need to properly manage daily salt and oil intake.

  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

Some foods can protect our blood vessels, such as some vegetables, fruits, and other light foods.

Of course, you could choose to eat some foods high in potassium, which can maintain the body's balance effectively.

foods rich in potassium more than bananas

If our body lacks the elemental potassium, our blood vessels will lose elasticity. Besides, potassium can keep the normal function of the heart muscle, increase myocardial function, and maintain stability. If a lack of potassium, will certainly reduce the function of the heart, this is very harmful to health.

Potassium is also involved in several metabolic functions of the body, so choosing to have a lot of potassium-rich foods in daily life is very beneficial for the body.

  • So do you know which foods are rich in potassium?

Perhaps many people know that bananas contain potassium, but what they don't know is that the potassium content in bananas is relatively low. Generally, there are only 0.25 grams of potassium in 100 grams of bananas, thus failing to meet the daily requirement of 3,600 grams of potassium. 

Moreover, the calories in bananas are very high, you can not eat many times a day, so try these foods that contain a lot of potassium higher than bananas, even 8 times.

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Potatoes are vegetables that everyone is familiar with. It can be said that everyone has consumed potatoes but few know it is rich in vitamins and some minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron, and other essential trace elements of the human body

Therefore, many people in the West talk about potatoes as a staple food instead of rice.


Papaya is a warm fruit that replenishes gas and blood, potassium, and lowers blood pressure. Besides, papaya is also rich in amino acids and essential trace elements such as potassium and calcium.

Also, the calories contained in papaya are very low, 100 grams of papaya contains only 30kcal. 

Therefore, it is very suitable for people with cardiovascular disease.


Shiitake 8 times richer in potassium than bananas

Shiitake mushrooms can be said to be a common food on our daily dining tables. It is a good spice, and it contains a lot of protein, which has a very high nutritional value. 

Also, shiitakes are low in fat and high in potassium, containing 1960mg of potassium per 100 grams, nearly 8 times richer in potassium than bananas. So very suitable for people with cardiovascular disease.


Those who love watermelon will probably be surprised to discover that watermelon is a very potassium-rich fruit.

Two large slices of watermelon contain up to 640mg of potassium. Besides, watermelon also contains lycopene, a type of red pigment in plants, which helps reduce the risk of cancer.

5.White beans

One thing that may surprise many people is that white beans contain lots of potassium, far ahead of other foods. A cup of white beans contains nearly 1,200 mg of potassium.

6.Black beans

When you want to supplement your body with potassium, black beans should be the first choice. Each cup of black beans contains up to 680mg of potassium.

Besides, black beans are also a source of protein, fiber, and a lot of other healthful nutrients such as antioxidants, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.

Also Check:17 Vegetables and fruits With more Vitamin C than oranges

  • Not everyone should eat potassium-rich foods

For the ordinary person, consuming a lot of potassium-rich foods is not a problem, but for people with kidney function problems, it's very unhealthy.

 Because when the kidneys have some problems, it will certainly have some problems with metabolic function. 

If you use foods high in potassium, it will cause a metabolic burden and increase pressure on the kidneys, so it will harm the body. 

Therefore, you should always arrange a reasonable diet, and not eat too much of a certain food.

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