17 Vegetables and fruits With more Vitamin C than Oranges

When people are looking for vitamin c they usually think of oranges, there many other sources to get more vitamin c, here is a listing of 17 types of fruits and vegetables that actually has 5 or 6 times more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. that you may not know.

17 Vegetables and fruits With more Vitamin C than oranges

A menu of vegetables and fruits that has more vitamin C than oranges and lemons.

  • 1. Grapefruit: 38mg

Grapefruit is high in vitamin C more  than Oranges

Grapefruit is high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Consuming grapefruit will help you boost the immune system, grapefruit leaves are a great solution to cure colds and headaches.

  • 2. Longan: 43mg

The longan contains various nutritious ingredients such as glucose and iron, which are highly beneficial to human health. In addition to making desserts, longan meat has many effects such as beauty, kidney tonic, nourishment, sedation, and sleep.

  • 3. Strawberries: 47mg

Strawberries are rich in vitamins, fiber, and exceptionally high antioxidants called polyphenols. Also, strawberries contain no sodium, no fat, no cholesterol, low calories. 

  • 4. Red apples: 54mg

Red apples contain high levels of nutrients like protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and are rich in vitamins.

 According to Oriental medicine, red apples help with blood sedation, increase resistance, strengthen muscles, protect the liver, prevent allergies, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory...

  • 5. Broccoli: 56mg

Broccoli more Vitamin C than Oranges

Broccoli contains glucosinolates with anti-cancer effects, so it is well known as the "anti-cancer king" when it can prevent 8 cancers such as breast cancer, bowel cancer, oral cancer, and cancer. bladder cancer, prostate cancer, ...

  • 6. Bitter melon: 56mg

Bitter melon could a great solution for you to you lose weight and beautify you. However, people with poor digestibility should only consume a little or not because it can cause bloating.

  • 7. Papaya: 43mg

According to Oriental medicine, papaya has the effect of clearing heat, spleen, cooling the liver, laxative, detoxifying, and emphysema. Green papaya is used to crush with facial or hand broth, cure freckles on the face, hands, also used to treat calluses and eczema 

  • 8. Cauliflower: 61mg

Cauliflowers are high in vitamin C, K, calcium, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. Cauliflower also contains plant nutrients that have immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. 

  • 9. Green chili: 62mg

Food rich in vitamin C, green peppers are an effective antioxidant. They help you maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, internal organs, and even bones. Eating green peppers regularly helps you prevent septicemia and support your immune system.

  • 10. Kiwi: 62mg

Eating two-thirds of kiwifruit every day can reduce the risk of blood clots by 19% and reduces fat content by up to 16%. Kiwi is rich in fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamins C and E, excellent antioxidants, prevent constipation, diarrhea, other bowel problems.

  • 11. Kale: 63mg

Kale is rich in potassium, 1.5 times higher than bananas. Kale is one of the healthiest foods, rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C.

  • 12. Bok hoy: 64mg

Bok Choy is a nutritious food that can be beneficial for taste, heat, diuretic, and prevent skin diseases. Chinese cabbage also works against scurvy, viscera, and swelling.

  • 13. Cabbage: 65mg 

17 Vegetables and fruits  With more Vitamin C than Oranges

Watercress is the young tip of the mustard plant, has yellow flowers, grows taller, has a slightly bitter taste. It is rich in vitamins A, C, beta carotene, and antioxidant minerals.

  • 14. Guava: 68mg

Guava is low in calories and comparable to apples, it is rich in insoluble fiber and helps promote intestinal motility.

  • 15. Mustard greens: 72mg

Broccoli is rich in glucosinolates, so it has the ability to prevent cancer, and the content of oxalic acid is not high. Eating mustard greens every day helps prevent bladder cancer, clears heat, aids digestion, and relieves constipation.

  • 16. Bell peppers: 104mg

Bell peppers are eye-catching, easy to prepare, and lose the least vitamin C when eaten raw. In addition, it is very high in fiber and higher than fresh peas.

  • 17. Fresh rose / jujube: 242mg

According to Oriental medicine, fresh jujube has a sweet, neutral taste. Fresh jujube helps promote digestion, sedation; Increased acid in the stomach, and increased sugar plant (negligible). In particular, fresh jujube has a high content of vitamin C, 5 times more than oranges

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