10 effective foods to treat constipation problem in child


 Curing constipation in children is not as difficult as many people think. You can absolutely use some very simple and equally effective constipation remedies for children at home. If you still do not know what those foods are and how to cook them, read NOW the article below!

Why constipation often occurs in children?

First of all, to be able to offer the most effective and accurate solution for constipation in children, you need to find out what is the cause of this condition? Here are some common causes:

Or refrain from going to the toilet

Children often refrain from going to the toilet for different reasons such as:

- You are busy playing so you should not have stomach pain so you can continue playing with your friends.

- Doesn't like to go to the toilet in public because he is afraid of getting dirty and tries not to go home.

- The stools are too hard or too big, the bowel movements are not strong enough to expel them, making the child very painful when going to the toilet, leading to the psychology of not going to the toilet to avoid such pain.

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Insufficient fiber in the diet

Most of the causes of constipation are children not getting enough fiber in their daily diet

Fiber works to accelerate waste out of the digestive tract, reduce the transit time in the large intestine, increase the frequency and volume of stools, increase the amount of water in the stool to help the child go to the bowels more easily

Therefore, when the diet lacks fiber, it will make the stools dry, hard, causing pain when defecating. This also often occurs when a baby changes from a milk-to-weaning diet because the digestive system is incomplete and the body is not used to new foods can also cause constipation.

Change habits, circadian rhythm

When a child's daily living habits are changed, for example: When traveling, the weather is hot or cold suddenly, ... the function of the intestine will also be affected

Especially when starting school, this time, children are easily constipated due to fear and stress when coming to a new environment.

Family history

If a family member is constantly constipated despite eating a good diet, the baby is more likely to suffer from this condition. The cause can be hereditary or something from the environment.

Dairy cows

Not everyone can digest cow's milk. Some people do not have lactase enzymes, so they cannot break down lactose, causing bloating and constipation.

 Others, when using too many dairy products (cheese, cow's milk, ...), the body can't digest it, causing indigestion and constipation.

In addition, several factors also increase the child's risk of constipation:


- Not eating enough fiber.

- Not drinking enough water.

- Pathology in the anus or rectum.

Tell you 10 very effective foods to treat constipation problem in a child

The main cause of constipation is largely due to the lack of fiber in the child's nutritional diet. 

Therefore, the addition of fiber in the daily diet will help improve the constipation effect on children. Here are some constipation foods for kids parents to know:

Vegetable spinach

Spinach (also known as mosquito net, sturgeon) is nutritious food in daily meals. In traditional medicine, spinach has properties of welding, helping to diuretic, detoxifying, blood only, dysentery, ... 

According to modern medicine, it contains a large amount of pectin mucus - which has a very good laxative effect. 

Therefore, when your child shows signs of constipation, you only need to feed your child a bowl of spinach soup daily, the condition of having hard, painful stools will be significantly improved.

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Many studies show that an average apple can provide 17% of the recommended daily intake of fiber.

 In addition to insoluble fiber, apples contain a type of soluble fiber, pectin. This substance is fermented by the intestinal flora into short chains of fatty acids that pull water into the intestine, soften the stool, and reduce the time it takes for the stool to move in the intestine. 

Therefore, when your child has symptoms of constipation, you can use apples as a nutritious dessert that effectively improves this condition.

Kinds of bean

Legumes, in general, include: Peas, Lentils, ... are foods with a good laxative effect due to their extremely high fiber content

For example, 182g of ripe beans contain about 80% of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, so they are very effective in improving constipation in children

The way to prepare beans is very simple: You can boil it and let your baby eat it or cook it with porridge, ...


Oatmeal contains very large amounts of fiber and is effective in preventing constipation. In the UK, USA, this is a popular food and is widely used for children to fight constipation recurrence. Mothers can use oatmeal to make cakes to help improve constipation.


Pears good for children with constipation

Pears contain 22% of this recommended amount of fiber. In addition to fiber, pears also contain two sugars, fructose, and sorbitol, which are particularly high. 

Both substances are not well absorbed in humans, most stay in the digestive tract and work to pull water into the lumen for a natural laxative effect. 

In addition, pears also have a large amount of vitamin C that aids in digestion and relieves constipation very well. You can feed them directly, squeeze a drink, or make a cake with cheese.


Many studies show that eating about 2 kiwifruits per day will help increase the frequency and duration of bowel movements without the use of laxatives. 
In addition to the high content of anti-constipation fiber, kiwi also contains an enzyme called actinidain, which is able to break down proteins, promote digestion, increase the frequency of bowel movements, and reduce the transit time through the intestines. 
You can feed your child ripe kiwi, mix it with a salad, or prepare it as a dried fruit.


Broccoli contains many vitamins C, K, and folate that are extremely beneficial for the growth and development of children. Besides, this is also a source of a large amount of fiber, making it easier for the stool to pass through the intestines.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain insoluble fiber in the form of cellulose and lignin, which helps to increase stool weight. 
It also has pectin soluble fiber. Research shows that 1 medium sweet potato provides fiber equivalent to 15% of the recommended amount. 
In addition to helping to improve constipation, sweet potatoes also help provide essential nutrients for your baby to grow faster. 
You can feed potatoes in the form of steaming, boiling, or baking. In the case that you can not eat it yourself, after processing it, you can crush the potatoes for easy absorption.

Citrus berries

Berries are a group of fruits rich in fiber and antioxidants, which are great for both children and adults. 
When children have symptoms of constipation, you just need to add citrus berries daily to help increase volume, soften stools, thereby improving constipation in children effectively.

Rye bread

This is a traditional European bread, rich in fiber, good for the heart as well as the digestive system. 
A study by the American National Institute of Medicine on 51 volunteers showed that eating 240g of rye bread had an increase in bowel movements, and the stools were softer after 3 weeks of use. You can buy this bread easily at convenience stores or supermarkets close to home.

In addition to the above foods, it is important in the treatment of constipation that the mother must give her baby enough water every day. Your baby's water requirements will increase as you increase the amount of fiber in the diet.

What foods not to eat for a child with constipation?

Constipation has a direct relationship to the daily diet. So when a child is constipated, should I abstain from eating? Here are some foods that mothers should pay attention to limit the consumption of children when there are symptoms of constipation:

-Milk and dairy products: This is also one of the most common causes of constipation. The lactose in milk can increase gas and cause gas.

- Red meat: Eating a lot of red meat can cause constipation because it contains a lot of protein, fat, and the digestive system will take time to process. At the same time, red meat also contains iron and protein fibers that are difficult to digest, aggravating constipation.

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