6 low calorie but nutritious weight loss foods

How to consume a lot and still be capable to lose weight? The only way is to choose foods low in calories, high in protein and fiber.

low-calorie nutritious foods


  • Oat

Oats are not only low in calories but also high in protein and fiber, filling you up for a long time. In 40gr of dried oats includes 148cal, 5,5gr of protein, and 3,8gr of fiber. These are two essential nutrients that help you reduce cravings.

several studies have shown that eating traditional oatmeal helps improve cravings control after 4 hours.

  • Egg

Eggs contain very few calories but contain many important nutrients. A large egg contains 72cal, 6gr of protein, lots of vitamins, and minerals. In one research, 30 women ate eggs for breakfast instead of bagels. The results showed that they felt fuller and consumed less than 105cal during the day. Breakfast high in protein like eggs also reduces light meals, reduces ghrelin - the hormone that controls cravings.

  • Berry

Berries include: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and raspberries are packed with vitamins and minerals. They contain high fiber content, which helps reduce cravings and weight loss.

In 148gr berries contain 84cal and 3,6gr of fiber. The main fiber contained in berries is pectin. In many studies in both humans and animals, pectin increased satiety, helping to reduce calorie intake, thereby helping to lose weight.

Chia-seeds-low-calorie -weight-loss-foods

  • Chia seeds

In 28gr chia seeds contain 137cal, 4.4gr of protein, and 10.6g of fiber. Chia seeds contain lots of water-soluble fiber, which soak up and expand when they enter the stomach, helping them stay full.

Some studies show that chia seeds can increase weight by 10-12 times in water, move slowly through the digestive tract, and help keep feelings of fullness for long.

According to a study of 24 adults, eating yogurt with added chia seeds helps reduce cravings, reduce sweets, and increase feelings of fullness.

  • Pea's tree

Beans or beans like peas and lentils are high in protein and fiber. In 198gr cooked lentils contain about 320cal, 15.6gr of fiber, and 18gr of protein. Eat legumes that feel full for a long time. A study of 43 young men found that meals with lots of beans increased satiety more than meals with pork or veal 

  • Fish

Fish is a diet that is rich in protein and heart-healthy fats. In 85gr fish, meat contains 15gr of protein and no more than 70cal. A study evaluating protein in beef, chicken, and fish showed that protein in fish helps to feel fullest after eating. To lose weight with fish, it is best to choose lean cod, cod, salmon, tuna, mackerel.

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