Food makes our lives happier and healthier, they bring overwhelming emotions, energy sources so that we can finish all tasks in a long day.
Though, in many cases, consuming or selecting the wrong food makes the body tired, old, and easier to gain weight.
Women who want to nurture a healthy, beautiful body should stay away from the following foods.
Consuming bacon, sausages, and ham can put your life in danger. Researchers at Harvard University state that consuming regular processed meat will make you gain weight significantly.
Women who want to nurture a healthy, beautiful body should stay away from the following foods.
8 foods that cause you to gain weight and get old quickly
1. Processed meat
Consuming bacon, sausages, and ham can put your life in danger. Researchers at Harvard University state that consuming regular processed meat will make you gain weight significantly.
Not only does it cause weight gain, but processed meat products also include lots of salt and preservatives, if you eat a lot it can lead to dehydration and cause inflammation.
Moreover, these products decrease the vitamin C in the body - a very important substance for the formation of collagen. In extension, the above foods also increase the chance of diabetes, cancer, and hypertension.
Sodas are usually supplemented with high fructose corn syrup. According to researchers at Princeton University, high fructose content is also likely to cause weight gain as much as regular sugar.
Not only that, soda does not add nutrients to the body but only provides an empty amount of calories.
2. Soda water
Sodas are usually supplemented with high fructose corn syrup. According to researchers at Princeton University, high fructose content is also likely to cause weight gain as much as regular sugar.
Not only that, soda does not add nutrients to the body but only provides an empty amount of calories.
There have been many pieces of research proving that soda is most likely to cause obesity, people who regularly drink soda have the ability to increase weight uncontrollably.
Rather than drinking soda water, women who want to lose weight should replace it with water, smoothies, tea, or coffee.
According to Dr. Ostad, spicy food can easily make the skin to blush and harm the menopause of women. Some spicy foods dilate blood vessels, menopausal women may find their skin become dappled and less youthful throughout this period.
According to Dr. Ariel Ostad, a member of the American Association of Dermatology, the dark blisters on the barbecue can include inflammatory hydrocarbons, which will break down the collagen in the skin and make your skin no longer plump and smooth.
Rather than drinking soda water, women who want to lose weight should replace it with water, smoothies, tea, or coffee.
3. Spicy food
According to Dr. Ostad, spicy food can easily make the skin to blush and harm the menopause of women. Some spicy foods dilate blood vessels, menopausal women may find their skin become dappled and less youthful throughout this period.
4. Burnt meat dish
According to Dr. Ariel Ostad, a member of the American Association of Dermatology, the dark blisters on the barbecue can include inflammatory hydrocarbons, which will break down the collagen in the skin and make your skin no longer plump and smooth.
If you want to eat barbecue, Dr. Ostad recommends everyone to try to scrape off the burnt part, and clean the grill to avoid contaminating the next barbecue.
5. Dried fruits
Dried fruit may appear like a healthy option for a snack, but the fact is that most dried fruits are sweet and contain an average of 16g of sugar per ounce of dried fruit (28.3g). Overuse of them makes your weight increase without braking is not difficult to understand.
6. Pizza
Pizza is a food high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and refined carbohydrates, all of which contribute to belly fat gain.
A pizza makes up 6% of your total saturated fat daily. While, the consumption of saturated fat will make the body inflamed, difficult to curb fast weight gain.
7. Foods high in salt
It is possible that through the cooking process you do not use too much salt but that does not ensure that your salt consumption is low.
According to Dr. Ranella Hirsch, former president of the American Association of Cosmetic Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, "There are a lot of canned foods preserved in salt when you use these foods you will retain water. makes the body in a state of puffy ".
Not only does your body age fast, but salt-rich foods also make it more difficult to lose weight.
Research published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2016 discovered that salt confuses biological processes and doesn't understand when they're full, leading people to consume more food than ordinary. often.
According to Dr. Ostad, red meat causes free radicals. These free radicals will seek for missing electrons, robbing electrons from healthy cells, and ultimately affecting the skin's capability to protect and regenerate collagen.
Not only is it dangerous to the skin, but red meat has also been proved to cause weight gain when consumed in excess because it contains high-value nutrients and proteins.
8. Red meat
According to Dr. Ostad, red meat causes free radicals. These free radicals will seek for missing electrons, robbing electrons from healthy cells, and ultimately affecting the skin's capability to protect and regenerate collagen.
Not only is it dangerous to the skin, but red meat has also been proved to cause weight gain when consumed in excess because it contains high-value nutrients and proteins.
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