10 dangerous habits that could increase the risk of cancer

Here are some common habits and daily activities we all do that can increase your risk of cancer

1. Using a scent spray

Habit of using scent spray increase risk of cancer

You should stop using scented sprays that do not improve air quality at all, they only work to eliminate bad smells, making you sense cleaner air. They contain carcinogens, which are harmful to your health.

2. Inhaling exhaust from cars

People often breathe in the exhaust from automobile engines, increasing the danger of cancer and respiratory diseases. Gasoline and oil materials emit CO, hydrocarbons, and benzene.

3. Eating baked goods

When you prepare a meal and you grill chicken, or fish, they are burned and one spot becomes black. Although this might creates a desirable taste, some toxic compounds produced during baking could increase the risk of stomach, colon, and pancreatic cancer.

4. Using scented candles

Recent scientific researches reveal that the smoke from scented candles contains carcinogens and other fossil components. if you like scented candles then you should use pure beeswax candles because they are not harmful to your health.

5. Eating canned food

Habit of eating canned food icrease danger of cancer

Canned foods are harmful to health because they are contained in plastic-coated cans with many toxic chemicals. High consumption of these foods can lead to hormonal disorders, DNA changes, and an increased risk of breast cancer.

6. Drinking too much alcohol

The consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the danger of cancer. Several scientific studies confirm that drinking alcohol twice a day increases the incidence of cancers of the esophagus, colon, rectum, and stomach. So if you care about your health then you should limit your intake of alcohol.

7. Drinking soft drinks

Recent studies show that various brands of carbonated soft drinks contain high levels of 4-methylimidazole, a type of carcinogen. This drink also contains saccharine, which increases the danger of cancer.

8. Working the night shift

According to research published in the British Medical Journal, working night shifts may increase the risk of breast cancer, because melatonin is inhibited.so if it is possible you should avoid working night shifts.

9. Using sunscreen

To prevent skin cancer and other skin lesions, most people usually use sunscreen and other 
moisturizers. But you will be shocked to discover that sunscreens contain zinc oxide, which can produce free radicals. They destroy DNA and stimulate cancer cells to grow.

 10. Oral sex

Science constantly warns us of the danger of oral cancer caused by HPV infection when the mouth comes into contact with the genitals. This risk increases when a person has oral sex with multiple partners.

If you care about your health and well being of your family then these are habits that you must stop doing because they increase the risk of cancer.

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