5 common mistakes when taking care of hair many people make

common mistakes when taking care of hair

 Here are some common mistakes when taking care of hair that makes hair damaged and less beautiful.

1. Sleep with wet hair

This is a bad habit for hair, as hair is weakest when it is wet which is why hair is prone to damage.

In addition, a hot and humid scalp for a long time creates bacteria that cause dandruff.

2. Using heat styling devices too often

Heat styling tools can be very handy in helping you style your hair. However, you should reduce the frequency of using these tools to keep your hair healthy.

If you notice your hair is showing signs of heat damage such as tangles, frizz, and dryness, it's time to treat it and avoid heat styling tools for a while to allow your hair to recover.

3. Using the wrong water temperature
Water temperature can be very harmful to hair because each stage needs to use water at a different suitable temperature.

For example, hot water helps to open the pores and clean the scalp, so you should massage your scalp and wash your hair with warm water.

When shampooing, use cold water to help lock the moisture in your hair.

4. Not eating enough protein

Protein is great for hair, which is why you need to pay attention to what you eat if you want to have long, strong, and shiny hair.

Hair is made of protein, so foods made with protein like eggs will help strengthen and stronger hair.

5. Do not steam your hair

Essential oils are very beneficial for your hair if you choose the right oil for your hair type and texture.

Steaming is the best way to protect and nourish dry, brittle hair.

You can steam your own oil at home or at a salon, just make sure to do it correctly.

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