4 breakfast habits that make your skin age faster

4 breakfast habits that make your skin age faster

 Nutritionists share some bad habits when eating breakfast that has a negative impact on the skin.

1. Eating too much sugar for breakfast

According to registered dietitian Lauren Manaker, author of The First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility, eating too much sugar can wreak havoc on your skin health.

Eating too much sugar can lead to the release of AGEs - advanced glycation end products, which accelerate skin aging.

2. Eat white bread instead of whole wheat bread

Another important thing to consider when it comes to a healthy breakfast is limiting white bread.

White bread has low nutritional value, which can make you nutritionally deficient at breakfast, says nutritionist Courtney D'Angelo.

Whole-wheat bread undergoes less processing, so it's still high in B vitamins that help reduce inflammation.

3. Don't eat vegetables

If your breakfast is only bacon, eggs, sausage, and no green vegetables, you will probably notice your skin aging faster than your peers.

Limiting certain foods can help fight age, but there are also foods you need to add to your diet for a healthy glow.

According to Manaker, fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants that can help support healthy skin. So eat oats with fruit, or eggs with green vegetables to help you stay full longer.

4. Add sugar, milk to coffee

The way you brew your morning coffee can also affect the aging of your skin. Whether you drink hot coffee or iced coffee, adding too many sweeteners like sugar and milk can negatively affect your skin.

According to D'Angelo, sugar is inflammatory, promotes an unhealthy microbiome, and can cause blood sugar spikes.

To create a healthy breakfast for your skin, it's important to limit added sugars and incorporate ingredients like fruits and vegetables. Also, don't forget to drink enough water because this is the best habit for your skin.

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