reason behind dry lips

 Perhaps everyone has ever encountered dry lips, especially in winter. But not everyone knows the exact cause of chapped lips and how to handle them.

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reason behind dry lips

1. Cause chapped lips

old and dry weather is one of the most common causes of chapped lips.

In addition, too much sun exposure, atopic dermatitis, metabolic diseases like thyroid imbalance, or even B vitamin deficiency can cause this condition.

Irritation is also one of the leading causes of chapped lips. This could be due to habits like licking, touching, or biting your lips.

Sometimes dry lips can be caused by an allergic reaction to cosmetics used on the lips or foods such as mangoes, oranges, tangerines, cinnamon ...

2. How to treat chapped lips

Keep your lips hydrated to prevent chapped and dry lips

You can moisturize your lips with fragrance-free emollients.

Use lip balm instead of oils and use lip balm regularly during the day.

You can also use sunscreen when on the street and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Finally, remember to make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

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3. Common mistakes when treating chapped lips

To prevent and treat chapped lips, there are a number of ingredients that you should avoid, including eucalyptus, lanolin, salicylic acid, fragrances, fragrances.

Use the "as little as possible" principle when choosing lip care ingredients.

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