How to wash your face properly?

Most girls wash their faces the wrong way! No surprise the skin is getting worse!

Face washing is something everyone has to do every day, whether it's a boy or girl, an adult, or a child. Today, the article will integrate the issues to note to wash your face properly.

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Tips to properly wash your face

Can I wash my face several times a day?

   No! do not wash your face several times a day. Excessive cleaning will damage the skin's protective barrier and cause the skin's water and oil to become unbalanced.

The most appropriate cleaning time is twice a day, morning, and evening. After waking up in the morning, wash your face and use a cleanser in the evening, and also remove makeup, dirt, ... on the face before going to bed at night, to keep skin clean when to sleep.

If you wash your face too many times a day, it's easy to make your skin worse. To put it bluntly, many girls with dry skin will wear dry, and oily girls will wash off much skin.

What is the best temperature to wash your face?

The best water temperature for washing your face is 35oC.

Many girls say they like to wash their faces alternating with cold, hot water, which is wrong. If the temperature is too high, when pore cleaners will expand and facial oils will be washed away a lot, this is especially bad for skin protection. Washing your face with hot water can easily dry your face.

If the temperature of the water used to clean your face is too low, it is likely that the oil on your face will not be completely washed off, causing oily skin and can even clog pores and close acne.

The most frightening thing is the act of washing your face alternating with hot and cold water. Skin is prone to red blood. And the skin cannot recover after the appearance of red blood.

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How to use a facial cleanser?

In general, the cleanser should be foamed on the palm before cleaning your face. Do not squeeze the cleanser directly on the face.

How long does it take to wash your face?

In general, it takes about two minutes to wash your face. But don't leave the milk on your face for too long. When washing your face, wash it off with a cleanser.

What should I do if my cleanser is washed on hair roots?

If you wash your facial cleanser on hair roots when you wash your face, you need to wash the foam on the hairline. 

Otherwise, there will be acne around your hairline. It may even cause allergies. So, when you wash your face, be sure to wash your roots if you get frothing.

Should I dry naturally after washing my face?

no! Naturally drying the air after washing your face will make your skin dry and oily.

The correct approach is to use a clean, damp washcloth or cloth to dry the moisture on your face.

You should not wash your face with a towel. One is because rough towels have relatively high friction on the skin, and the second is towels that are susceptible to bacteria.

Everyone is accustomed to wiping towels in the restroom, but in fact, such a humid environment is the easiest for towels to reproduce bacteria. With many bacteria, it is easy to make acne-prone faces close to your mouth.

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