6 Bad habits that hurt your teeth

there are numerous bad teeth habits that so many people do, that could be seen as bad dental habits.so if you were questioning why are my teeth so bad?

here are some bad teeth health problems that could be caused by your daily habits.


bad teeth habits that hurt your teeth : 

  • Brushing too hard or brushing with a brush too hard

Brushing your teeth every day is a good habit. However, if you brush your teeth with too much force or use a bristle brush that is too hard, bristles too brittle will damage teeth and gums such as tooth wear, tooth sensitivity, receding gums ... 

Therefore, we should Gently brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush.

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  • The habit of grinding teeth

Some people have a habit of grinding their teeth when they sleep. This may be related to stress or sleep disorder syndrome.

This habit can cause tooth erosion, cracked teeth, muscle tension, and pain in the temporomandibular joint.

If we notice that the grinding of teeth, we should pay attention to keep 2 teeth in a state of relaxation without biting.

For those who suffer from grinding of teeth when sleeping, they need to see a doctor to be treated with chewing to limit the damage to teeth and joints.

  • Bite hard objects or chew ice

Cold biting and chewing can cause cracking, fractures, and dental injuries. don't be one of those people who open everything with their mouth, and take care of your teeth.

  • Food, sugary drinks

Regular use of sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay, so foods and drinks with low sugar should be prioritized if possible or at least limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks.

  • Sour food and drinks

The use of sour food and drinks (high acidity, for example, lemonade, etc.) can cause tooth erosion and tooth sensitivity

This condition, if prolonged and serious, can lead to root canal treatment and tooth restoration.

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  • Use teeth as tools

Teeth are used to chew rather than as a substitute when you're not free. 

When using a tooth for other purposes, such as using a tooth to open a bottle, it is easy to injure a tooth such as a cracked tooth, a jaw bone injury, or even accidentally swallowing such items.

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